Sunday, August 31, 2008

Baby Teacup

And last but not least, the teacup pictures. Wow, she looks chunky in these pictures!! :) But, we sure do love our chunky baby. As you can see, she loves her feet and toes! Well, that is all I have for now, but probably by the next time I take her to the studio, she will be walking. She does not like that she can't keep up with her sister. Her crawl keeps getting faster and faster! She is pulling up real good on everything now and has let go while standing a few times. We hope everyone is doing good! Have a great week!

Pretty girl

Here are a few more from the shoot.

Littlest Red Raider

Here are a few pictures supporting the Red Raiders baby!!!

My little princess

I took Emberli to the studio for her 6 month pictures. Here are some that I thought you might enjoy.

Saturday, August 23, 2008


Grandma Margaret got to come down and visit for two weeks. The girls loved it. Isabella is still asking for her grandma, and telling us that her grandma is coming to her house.

More Emberli pics

Just some pics of Emberli we took while Grandma Margaret was down. And, it is hard to tell, but in the second picture Emberli was on her way to pulling herself up. She can pull herself all the way up now. I don't think it will be long before she really tries this walking thing, she can't stand not being able to keep up with Isabella. She will just sit there and fuss at Isabella when she gets too far away too quickly.

Aunt T

As everyone knows, Aunt T is supreme to Isabella and Aunt T had a dinner date with Isabella's baby and Hannah Montana (sitting on the microwave). Too cute, couldn't pass up the photo opp.

New toy

We bought Emberli a new toy....but Isabella thought it was hers, so she was teaching Emberli how to use it. She has done very good about sharing the toys and trying to teach her sister how to use them.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

New Milestone

Just wanted to share the latest milestone with everyone. Emberli started consistently sitting up by herself today. The girls and I stayed home from church today, due to Isabella's arm, but I guess it ended up being a blessing in disguise. The nursery workers, not me, would have gotten to witness this special milestone and not me. So, I was excited for that. But, she has sat herself up all day today...I think she is liking her new view of the world.