Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My little pumpkins

She sees the pumkin...

She thinks...oh this looks good...

And then, yes, as gross as it may be....she ate it!

This child will stick anything and everything in her mouth. This totally grossed me out though. I even got a wipee and wiped out her mouth! But, we had fun with the pumpkins. I hoped to take them to a pumpkin patch in Marble Falls before long. Just have to find a free day to do it.


Isabella finally started gymnastics and absolutely loves it. She, of course, had to wear her Hannah Montana leotard the first day. She flips all over the place now.


This was the first trip to Cabela's for the girls. I think Belle might have gone when she was an infant, but this time she was big enough to enjoy it. She loved looking at the animals and the fish. Robert enjoyed it more than anybody, I think.