Saturday, November 8, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

We took the girls to the Sweet Berry Farms pumpkin patch today. The girls really did have fun. I think this is something we can make a new tradition every year.

I guess this is Belle's way of making Emberli look at the camera. Getting these two to both look at the camera at the same time is nearly impossible.

My sweet pumpkins!

We made Isabella work for her pumpkin! Just kidding!

You just can't beat that smile! It will melt ya' every time!

Isabella got her face painted...she sits so still. It is very impressive.

Check it out, they are looking in the same direction!

For those who don't know, Emberli has cut two teeth! She loves to show them off now. She cut both teeth within two days! Wow, that was an interesting two days!

Isabella loved feeding the goats!

I just love this picture, I just see such admiration from Isabella towards her daddy!

Wow, it just took 9 months to get, but we finally have a family picture of us! My friend who always takes our pictures had a baby a couple of months after I did, so she hasn't been working, so we have no pictures of us as a family of four. Can you believe it! Perfect lighting or not, this will be put on the wall!

I just thought this would be a neat picture of Rob and Belle.

For all who know me, this is a miracle right here. Yes, I put Emberli on the ground and let her play in the dirt and hay. I guess I am getting better about the girls and dirt. I said getting better, not great! hahahahahahaha!

Well, as you can see, we had a fun afternoon of pumpkins, hayrides, pictures, and homemade ice cream to end the day. It was a great family day for all of us!

Party time

Look mom! I am hanging by myself!

Training her early, too! She loved the trampoline!

Isabella had her birthday party at the gym where I work. She loves going there! She and all her friends had a great time!

Belle's 3rd Birthday

Since some of the family couldn't be at Belle's party (for obvious reasons) here is a look at how she celebrated.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

She is 3!

I can still remember bringing her home from the hospital, and now she is three years old! I can't believe how time flies. These are just a few pics from her actual birthday, I have more coming of her party we had for her at the gym. (And yes, she is if you couldn't tell!)

Little Poser!

Isabella loves posing for the camera now. You just tell her "Pose" and this is what she does. It is totally hilarious. She's a natural model....hahahahaha.


I know a lot of the most recent pics have been of Belle, but Emberli has been sick off and on lately, so she hasn't been in the mood. But here is one I managed to snap. She is now 9 months old. Can you believe it?!


We went to the local pumpkin patch and Isabella just had a blast. Emberli wasn't all that impressed, however, she was not feeling so well. Getting these two to pose together and look at the camera is just nearly impossible. I think this weekend we are going to try and go to a bigger pumpkin patch in Marble Falls.

Monday, November 3, 2008

From generation to generation

We recently did a Generations campaign at the church and I was asked to take some pictures of Belle and Paw Paw (Daryl). These are just some of the ones I took. You know me, of course, I took a whole lot more, just didn't download them all. The first one is the actual picture that they used for the campaign.

1st day of dance

Well, we started Belle in dance class now. She is taking Ballet and Tap. She loves the tap shoes! I guess, what child doesn't?! She has gone a couple of times now and will come home and show us what she learned. Her class goes on at the same time as one of my gymnastics classes, so I really don't get to watch her a whole lot, but Robert gets to sit with all the other parents and watch her on the monitor we have set up in the waiting room. Such a good dad!

Build A Bear

Isabella got invited to a birthday party at Build A Bear. It was the first time she had experienced the process. As you can see by the smile on her face, she loved it! She had a blast. And, of course, we had to name our bear Rock Star and dress it up in Rock Star clothes. Later that day, she pretended the bear's microphone was hers and would just sing, sing, sing. Totally cute!