Sunday, February 28, 2010

Snow in Central Texas!!!!

We finally got a decent snow in Central Texas and Emberli got to play in it. Belle did too, of course, but she has seen snow before. The last two times it snowed this year, Emberli was either too sick to go outside or asleep when it snowed and when she woke up it had melted. But, not this time. Robert got to take her outside while I was at school and got some pictures. She loved it!! The girls played outside for a little while. They had fun.

Papa's Birthday

We went over to my mom and dad's house to celebrate my dad's birthday. Isabella helped cook the birthday cake and Emberli got to help blow out the candles. They love any excuse to go over to Grammy and Papa's house.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Valentine's Party

Isabella had her Valentine's party at school. She had a good time, but it is always hard when I show up, because she just wants to come home with me. But, she made her valentine bag, and handed out her valentine cards, and played games.


Isabella had one of her friends over and it was actually nice weather outside..YEA!!! So, we blew up the bouncer and they had a great time. Emberli thought it was super fun! She loves playing with the big girls.

More party pics

Here are more pics from Emberli's birthday.

Emberli's Birthday party

Emberli had a great time at her Elmo birthday party. We just did a family party this time. There aren't many kids her age around that she always plays with, but she plays with mostly family all the time. So, she had a blast. Her new trike is still a little big we discovered, so hopefully in a couple of months when it gets nice outside she can ride it.