Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Dance Recital

The above picture is dress rehearsal night. And the one below is the night of the recital.

Above: coloring with friends in dance class
Below: going onstage for tap routine with the song: Doo Wa Diddy

She is the last one on the left.

Bella and her friends in gymnastics class.

Gymnastics part of the recital

Below starts the ballet dance routine.

She loved getting her flowers at the end. And of course, Emberli wanted her picture taken too!

Bella got a certificate for doing the recital, so Emberli posed with the program and pretended it was her certificate....hahaha.

I am way behind on the blogging thing again. Sorry, but it has been crazy around here. Isabella had her dance and gymnastics recital in May. Here are some pics from it. Some of them aren't very good quality due to the fact that the lighting was just on the stage (as it should be). But, it doesn't make for taking pictures a very easy task.