Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Little Miss Spring Ho Pageant

Isabella and her adoring sister, Emberli.
Below: Pretty as a princess!

Above: Bella posing for pictures
Below: Waving at the crowd.

Isabella did our hometown pageant, the Little Miss Spring Ho pageant. She had fun, until they gave out the crown and she didn't get one. And then she was upset. I think it was mixed in with exhaustion and being so hot outside as well. If you have ever attended Spring Ho you know it is one of the hottest weeks around here. There were 26 little girls in the pageant so you can imagine how long it took, close to 3 hours from the start of them being there. She did great! We are very proud of her and she looked sooo beautiful. Some of my kids from school kept calling her Snow White. They were so good to her. She answered the questions asked by the interviewer very well, considering she asked her the same question twice. That totally confused Belle...and I can't blame her, really. I laughed when it happened. All the little girls were very cute and did really well. She says she wants to do again next year....we will see.

Little Miss Practice

Bella had Little Miss Spring Ho practice the day before the pageant. All the little girls were so cute!

Movie Day

We took the girls out to see Toy Story 3...they loved it! I didn't realize they were coming out with a 2D version of the movie or we would have waited on it, so we saw it in 3D. The only problem was the glasses didn't fit the girls real well, so Emberli took hers off before the movie started and Belle took hers off during the movie. They still enjoyed it. They love going to the movies!

Last Tball Game

Isabella did great at her last tball game! She scored twice! We are all glad tball is over. She didn't seem to really like it, but I think it was just the uniform issue. She didn't like looking like a boy....haha. As you can see from the pictures, making her wear the tball pants was not on my priority list, so we let her wear shorts instead. We are very proud of her for finishing up the season...it was a long one! She says she wants to play soccer next year instead....so we will see what happens.

Friday, July 23, 2010

School Picnic

Below: Isabella and her teacher this year, Mrs. Lawson. Isabella had a great first experience with school and her teacher is to thank for that. I appreciate all the hard work and dedication she has to her students. Isabella is still coloring pictures for her teacher and we are halfway through the summer.

Above: Isabella holding a lady bug. Yes, that is right....the child that is deathly afraid of any bug; big or small, is holding a lady bug. I knew I had to get a picture for proof of that one.
Below: Belle and Mrs. Sneed the preschool director. Mrs. Sneed was the director this year but will not be returning next year. She was sooo good to Isabella in the mornings. She was always there to watch the kids and keep them entertained until school started. We will miss Mrs. Sneed, but we know Mrs. Jacobs will do a great job next year as well.

I took a picture of Isabella under this sign the first day of school and took one on the last day. That way she can truly see just how much she changed from day one. She has grown up sooo much in the last year. She is taller, smarter, and sassier than ever. But, I love her with all my heart and can't wait to see what the future holds for this princess.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

McDonald's Field Trip

Isabella got to go on her first field trip at school. They walked to McDonald's, had ice cream and played on the play ground. She had fun. She is not much of an ice cream eater, but she had a great time!

Long time

Wow....I haven't been on here in forever...I am so far behind. These pictures are from dance recital night. Bella did such a great job that she got to get her iCarly sunglasses. She loved them sooo much...She wears them everywhere. We don't really watch iCarly that much, but she sure loves them. Emberli had to get in on the picture taking action as well. ( and yes, they did dress themselves)