Sunday, August 22, 2010


Bella got to play putt-putt for the first time with Grammy and Papa. Looks like she had a blast, and of course, she had to pose everywhere for pictures.


Aaron and Brita came down awhile back and the girls just love them. They didn't get to spend too much time with them, but they definitely fell in love. They always ask when they will get to see cousin Brita again. It is very sweet.


Grammy and Papa got their pool put up so the girls are having a blast! Thank goodness they put it up or there would have been no swimming this summer. Glad they came to the rescue. They are like two little fish now.

My Little Chefs

My little chefs helped me cook cupcakes. They love to put on their aprons and help me cook.


The girls had a playdate with some friends. They had a good time.

Family Pics

We took some pictures after church about a month ago and I am so far behind I am just now uploading them. I needed some pictures of my parents with the girls for their 40th Anniversary party for my sister and I, so I staged a photoshoot after church. The pictures turned out really cute. This is the best picture of the 4 of us that we have so far. I hope we can get another one sometime, but finding the time now-a-days will be hard.

More Carnival

They had so much fun the first time at the carnival we had to come back for more. Bella and Emberli were both riding by themselves before the night was over. We have such independent kiddos.


Emberli loves to wear her glasses like this, you tell her they are upside down, and she looks at you like you are the crazy is absolutely hilarious.
Getting ready for the parade to start.

The sirens have started and Emberli has plugged her ears.

Emberli made new friends at the parade.

The girls loved the parade. It is such a cool family tradition. We sit in the same place every year and we see the same people every year. It is really a cool thing.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Carnival Time

Emberli is finally old enough to go to the carnival and ride the rides. However, she really wasn't tall enough, but we sure didn't tell anyone, we just let her ride. She had soooo much fun. Belle looks forward to the carnival every year now, and I am sure Emberli will too. They had a blast and we are glad. The heat was totally undescribable this year, but the smiles on their faces made it all worth it.

The Big Winner

These girls just love Paige. It was so sweet of her to take a picture with them.

3-Legged Race - 2nd place. The girls did great!

Egg-Spoon Race....Bella tried to race the correct way at first but when everyone else was holding their egg instead of balancing it, she just grabbed it and took off.

Playing with Papa.

Lining up for the foot race...She ran against lots of boys, and still came in first place. I was one proud momma that day....haha

Proudly showing off her blue ribbon.

Isabella did a great job at Kid's day this year. She got 2 second place ribbons and 2 first place. She is so competitive, I love it.