Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Day (dinner)

We had Christmas dinner at our house with Trina and Barry and the boys. Isabella loved playing "bowling" with Brandon. Who knew that you played with your nose! :)

Christmas Day (lunchtime)

Waiting patiently for her food.

She ate, now time for a nap.

Isabella and Poppa reading the Christmas story.

That excitement on her face is priceless!

Helping open everyone's gifts.

We woke Emberli up so she could open her presents (or should I say Belle could open her presents).

Emberli getting her baby doll.

Yippee! Another box to climb!

She is awake and ready to go now!

Christmas Day (morning)

They both got houses of some kind. Belle got a dollhouse, we chose the big version because it came with furniture already and that means we don't have all those little pieces that come with the little houses. (Seeing how Emberli loves to put everything she can find in her mouth).

Belle checking out the loot in her stocking.

Belle checking out her new dollhouse and learning to work the elevator.

I believe Emberli likes her new glowing seahorse.

She has the unwrapping down now.

Belle loves her movies!

Emberli playing with her stuffed dog that Isabella got her.

Yea! more boxes to climb on!

Belle checking out her Dora backpack!

We surprised Isabella with her bouncer. She didn't even know it was outside. She thought she was done opening presents, little did she know something else was waiting for her.

We had a great Christmas morning at our house this year. Of course the girls got spoiled, but the smiles on their faces will last us a lifetime!

Christmas Eve

This was the first stop on the list of places to go for Christmas this year. The girls had a blast! Belle likes to help everyone open their gifts and Emberli just likes to climb on them all. Emberli likes to take the paper and see how small a piece she can make and then eat it. Sheesh! It was a learning experience for the rest of the stops we had to make!

Jesus' birthday

Well, Isabella knew that Christmas means it is Jesus' birthday so she was very adamant on wanting to make him a birthday cake. So, we did, and as you can see, she helped (at least by licking the leftovers). :) But there is a funny story to go along with this cake. First off, I wrote Happy Birthday Jesus on the cake and then she said but you need to draw his picture. So I said, "I wrote his name." She says, no draw Jesus. So, I thought, oh great! So, I got the idea to draw a manger with a head and a body, she was good with that. After we did that she said, "Ok, now we need to give it to Jesus." I said, "Ok, where is he?" She said, "Up there," and pointed towards the ceiling. So I handed her the cake pan with the cake and she raised her arms up as high as she could and looked back at me and said, "He is busy right now, we will have to try again later."

1st Gingerbread house

I have never made a gingerbread house, that I recall. So, Isabella really wanted to make one this year, so I thought why not. Well, the icing they put in their kit, I mean really, who can use that? I had some icing up in the cabinet that I use for cakes, so we used that instead. For our first gingerbread house, I think it came out ok.

Christmas cookies

Isabella had a friend over the other day and they helped me make and put icing on the Christmas cookies. They had fun. Emberli wanted to help, too.


Just thought these were pretty funny pics of Emberli. She is learning to eat toast and loves it! However, she is a total mess to clean up afterwards, she rubs it in her hair, on her shirt, her pants....etc. However, this particular night, she wanted to eat her toast, but was too tired to even hold her head up and at times, keep her eyes open. Sleepy baby.

Sun. Christmas program

She talked into the microphone again.

Watching as everyone else says their part.

Well, they did another Christmas program on Sunday at church. The nursery kids had the same thing as the Wednesday show. Isabella did a great job again. They kept the kids on stage until all age groups said their part this time and then finished with a song. While the other kids were going, Isabella managed to get my attention and whisper..."Mom, I'm hungry." That is a memory that will last. It was very cute, all the kids did a great job.

Playhouse Disney Live

Posing outside with daddy.

Waiting for the doors to open.

About to go spend some birthday money.

Scoping out the seat situation. We had great seats! 2nd Row!

Waiting patiently for the show to start.

We took Isabella to see the Playhouse Disney Live show a couple of weeks ago. She loved it! She is so good, she just would sit there and watch the show, I had to ask her if she liked it, and she would say "YES!" It is just hard to believe because while other kids were running crazy, she is just quietly watching the show. We are very blessed to have a calm child...seeing that Emberli is the exact opposite.