Thursday, July 31, 2008

Broke Arm

As some of you have heard, Isabella broke her arm Monday night. However, we didn't even know it was broke, hard to believe, I know. Around 10pm-ish on Monday night, she was climbing on the couch (mind you she had already gotten in trouble for climbing to the top), but as 2 year olds do, she did it again, and fell over the back. There was a blanket on top of the couch and the blanket slipped out from under her, she came over the back of the couch. She, of course, cried and then said she was ready for bed. So, we let her sleep with us and she really didn't sleep all that great, but still didn't say too much about her arm. Tuesday morning she played and played and then I noticed she was fussing/whining a little when she would put pressure on it. So, I really started to get curious and started asking her to squeeze my finger, try to hold herself up and crawl, etc. When she completely face planted into the bed while trying to crawl, I knew something was up, so we called made and appt for 3pm. The dr. did x-ray's and then told us both bones in her forearm were broke. A buckle brake is what they called it. Thank goodness for Trina, she volunteered herself to go with me and ultimately was my lifesaver! I don't think she planned on a whole night trip, but was so helpful! I am indebted to her for along time for this one. :) The dr. then sent us the the ER in Temple to see the orthopedic dr. Everyone was so amazed with Belle, because she never cried through any of this. She might make a face if they pushed on her arm or turned it the wrong way, but never cried. She was sooooo brave, I am soooo blessed. The nurses and the doctors was very impressed and some surprised that we knew it was broke, seeing that she didn't cry. I think she was too shy to cry in front of them. But, they took more x-rays and then came and put the splint on her arm. When they put the splint on, they had a lady come in there and focus just on Belle, she blew bubbles with her, played with stuffed animals, colored, it was great. They did such an amazing job, I had such a mindset of terrible care that we would get seeing it was the emergency room, but it was just the opposite. Belle was just excited they had Disney Channel in her room (however, hannah montana was not on). Now, our biggest hurdle is getting her to realize she has a broke arm and she can't use it! She is our little tough girl, so she thinks she can do everything she did before. We go back Monday for her appt with the pediatric orthopedic doctor (wow that is a mouthful!). They might put a hard cast on it or just redo the splint. We will see.
As you can see by Emberli's picture, she is feeling all better. She had been sick since last Wednesday. Wednesday she started off with a very small fever of 99.6, well Thursday it went to 100.6, and Friday she had her 6 month checkup and before we went she had 101.4. Then by the time I got to Killeen it was 103!!!! Good grief! So, they said she had tonsilitis and just to treat the fever. So we did, and finally on Sunday it started to go down to 102. Then Monday she was doing great. So on Tuesday when we took Belle for her appt, we got Emberli's shots. Might as well get all the babies taken care of at once I guess. But, she is doing good, just growing quickly...she definetely doesn't miss a meal ( as you can see). :)

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