Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas at Nonnie's house

Isabella playing her guitar.
Emberli and her sassy self. There is never a dull moment around her.

Emberli opening up her new McDonald's Drive Thru. It is so funny to watch them play with this. They have a drive up window, a grill, a fry basket, and a cash register. It has happy meal boxes and everything. Emberli will just walk up and say "Help you"...which means can you help me? It is way too cute.

Emberli checking out Isabella's new leapster and game. This is another top hit for Isabella. She takes this thing everywhere. It has different levels for learning.

Our Christmas

The girls coming out on Christmas morning. Not sure Emberli knew what to think.

Checking out the goods in the stockings.

Emberli has got this unwrapping thing down now.

She had so much fun.

Belle showing off her VSmile VMotion game system.

She has wanted Snow White for so long. She was so excited when Emberli got it for her for Christmas.

This was a last minute addition to Belle's Christmas, and this is the most popular, besides her Leapster. She loves to sing and perform with her guitar.

Checking out her Play doh Kitchen. Emberli loves to play play doh.

Emberli checking out her new roll around Tigger.

The girls got spoiled at Christmas as always. They loved everything they got. They have played with everything over and over. It is finally all put up in their rooms....(which I love).

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Tradition

We started a new tradition this year...only Belle got to participate....Emberli will next year. On Christmas Eve we watch Polar Express and eat popcorn and drink hot chocolate. Belle liked it so much that she has asked to do again twice already.

Grammy's Christmas

Emberli and her Papa reading a book.
Belle in front of Grammy's tree.

Time to open presents.

She is a professional at this now.

Opening their stockings

Both girls got new shoes for Christmas and they are the cutest things ever. They are silver with rainbow hearts and they are hi tops....super cute! They love them!
We had a blast at Grammy's house. The girls opened their presents and loved every minute of it. Thanks for all the goods!


We started the Birthday cake for Jesus last year. (It was Belle's idea) She did such a great job of helping me make it this year. Last year she wanted a chocolate cake but this year she said she thought Jesus would want a pink cake with white icing. She loved getting to use her new apron from Aunt Kara.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Walkway of Lights

As we do every year we go to the Walkway of Lights in Marble Falls. The girls have fun and so do we. I was having some camera difficulties there this year...but we managed to get some good pictures out of it to share with yall.

Gingerbread house

Well, we kept the tradition going this year and built a gingerbread house. I never said we were professional pastry chefs....but I think we do pretty good for beginners....and Isabella looks forward to it and has fun. That is what is important. And for those way did we let Emberli help this year....she can be involved next year. If Emberli would have been involved this year she would have demo'd the house....hahahaha.

First Dance Recital

Emberli thinking she is a dancer.....hmmmm...that is up for debate.
Waiting for their turn

Belle getting her groove on.

Isabella had her first dance recital. She is taking ballet and tap and loves both. She is such the entertainer. The only thing we still are working on is smiling the whole time we are performing. She loves to perform...but when she sees tons of strangers I think that throws her for a loop. But, this is the child we never thought would get up in front of a crowd at we are making progress. The dance was to Jingle Bell Rock.

NCC Program

The best friends showed up in the same dress just different colors....should have seen that one coming....

And even the baby matched. Way toooo cute!

If I had a quarter for every picture I have of Emberli running from the camera...I would be rich now.

Never hurts to have a candy bribe in there somewhere.

Apparently eating candy wears her out.

Isabella had a Christmas program at church. She had one on the same night as her school program, but we made the decision to have her do her school one since she would have another church program for Sunday service. All she talked about for over a month was the angel wings she would get to wear. So, then we prayed very hard that they would let the kids wear angel wings for the Sunday program too. Because for some reason they years past...have done two separate programs from Wednesday to Sunday. But thank goodness they didn't this year....because they are kids and it only makes sense to do the same one.