Sunday, December 27, 2009

NCC Program

The best friends showed up in the same dress just different colors....should have seen that one coming....

And even the baby matched. Way toooo cute!

If I had a quarter for every picture I have of Emberli running from the camera...I would be rich now.

Never hurts to have a candy bribe in there somewhere.

Apparently eating candy wears her out.

Isabella had a Christmas program at church. She had one on the same night as her school program, but we made the decision to have her do her school one since she would have another church program for Sunday service. All she talked about for over a month was the angel wings she would get to wear. So, then we prayed very hard that they would let the kids wear angel wings for the Sunday program too. Because for some reason they years past...have done two separate programs from Wednesday to Sunday. But thank goodness they didn't this year....because they are kids and it only makes sense to do the same one.

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