Saturday, February 28, 2009

Day at the park

I took the girls to the park and let them play. Emberli loves the swings as you can tell. Belle loves to slide but, having Emberli down and running around, I didn't get many good pictures of her on the slides.

More garage play

Isabella wanted to play outside sooooo bad, but it was so cold. So, I compromised and bundled them up and took them outside for a few minutes. However, Emberli thinks she is sooo big and can get on the tricycle by herself.

Valentine's Day

Emberli was running away from her sister. Emberli thought Isabella was chasing her, when in reality she was trying to keep her from running away. If you put Emberli down, she takes off.
This is about as close as I can get at getting both girls in the same picture. Emberli stopped running long enough for me to snap the picture.

And for my little poser!
Well, on Valentine's Day I had high hopes of taking them to the park and getting some pictures to send out...but we woke up and it was like 40 outside. I took them in jackets to the park and we took them off so we could see the V-day shirts, because "we had to get pictures of their new shirts" But, the jackets went on and then we went and fed the ducks before we left. Belle loves feeding the long as they don't get too close! :)

Hannah in the making

I walked into the bedroom the other day and there she was....the next Hannah Montana. :) Isabella loves to play her guitar and sing her Hannah Montana songs. She was nice enough to keep going long enough for me to grab the camera.


Emberli loves playing outside. We took the girls to the garage to play and Emberli thinks she is big enough to ride Isabella's tricycle now. Her feet don't quite reach the pedals the whole time, but she doesn't seem to care.