Sunday, March 28, 2010

More great weather!

Watch out crazy driver on the road!! Pretty Isabella below riding her scooter.

Hello...anyone in there..

We had more beautiful weather during Spring Break. The girls spent the majority of it outside. We had a blast! It was nice to be able to relax and finally let them out of the house. All this crazy weather has had them cooped up for way too long! I am sure it is a relief to Robert as well that the weather is getting better.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Sweet girls at the Park

Like I said before the weather has been great so I have been enjoying Spring Break with the family. Took the girls to the park...if you had any doubt before that I was blowing out of proportion that Emberli likes to hang on the bars by herself...this last picture only proves that we weren't fibbing..haha....she takes a running start now...she is such a dare devil. This bar is at the top of the slide. I swear this child has no fear!!!

Good weather

Finally had good weather in the girls got to play outside.

85 Years Young

My grandpa just celebrated his 85th birthday this year. So my grandma planned a party for him at the church. My sister and Jim came down and so did my Aunt Sharon from California. The girls enjoyed the family being down.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Badger Fans

Emberli is constantly talking about my Badger shirts that I wear everyday. She had grown out of hers, so I thought it was time for a new one. Isabella has grown out of her cheer uniform and her Badger on the way home from a track meet one day, I stopped and bought them new shirts. They were so excited, they wanted to wear them that night. I think our lil' Badgers are super cute!!!

1st Day of T-Ball

Well, we signed Isabella up for Tball this year. She is having fun. Her only requirements were that she get a pink and purple glove and a pink bat. Well, believe it or not...we found those. I didn't get to make it to her first practice because we had our track meet in town that day, but Robert got to take her. He took a picture when they got home. I heard she did great!

Sleeping Beauty

Apparently Bella was so tired one night that she fell asleep while watching TV on the edge of our bed. We went in to check on her because it was so quiet...and we found out why. She is normally very good and will stay and watch TV for a long time...but you usually hear her singing or dancing, etc. When we didn't hear that...we knew something was up. Our little Sleeping Beauty had fallen asleep.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

More Park pics

Above: Belle wasn't too sure about the monkey bars. Below: Emberli loves anything that looks dangerous.....sheesh!

Above: Emberli and daddy.
Below: Yes....she is holding on by herself...yet again. Even someone came by and commented on how strong she is. We thought, no kidding...and she knows it too! haha

As I have stated before....Belle would have walked by and never had a second thought about sliding down this big slide....Emberli saw it and couldn't get to the top fast enough!

Emberli playing the instruments.

The girls posing on the rock outside the park...haha, you would think I would pose them not facing the sun...but, my exhaustion had set in and all I could think about was a nap. Being on the road for a longer amount of time than I slept that not so good for me many of you who know me well know I value my sleep....hahaha!

Playtime in Lubbock

Emberli cheesing it up!! Below: Yes, she is holding herself up.

Belle loved the tightrope....and so did Emberli...before the day was over she, too, was walking across it by herself.

They have a great park in Lubbock, it is all wooden structures. The girls loved it!! They have a toddler area and a big kid area....seeing that Emberli has no fear whatsoever she liked the big kid area just as much as Belle did.

Lubbock for the Weekend

The girls were very happy to be in Lubbock. We had a great time...even though it was a very short trip.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Girls

The two girls are growing up so fast!!!! Bella just loves playing her guitar...and dressing herself. She is getting her own style and getting more independent. Emberli is just a ball of fire with no fear.