Saturday, June 14, 2008

Future Rockstar

Ok, you are probably wondering what in the world...well, at the gym we had a Rockstar dance camp for older kids. So, I told Isabella we could go watch them dance, and so she said she wanted to be a rockstar too, just like Hannah Montana (who by the way...we LOVE)! We must have Hannah Montana everything...didn't think that started at 2, but little do I know! So, we got the crimping iron out and everything and put on the most rockstar outfit that we had to go watch the program. She loved it and loved the guitar.

Asleep again!

Wore herself out jumping.

Jumping fun

But as you can see she does love her jumperoo!


We decided to put the Jumperoo together for Emberli, so I decided to put her in it to see if she would like it. I was getting ready for work and came to check on her a few minutes later and this is how I found her...sound asleep.

Scheming at 2?

I think the pictures say it all. You can just see Isabella thinking about splashing her sister...yet again. And then...she does!

Good listener

Isabella was told not to splash her sister....she listens so well!!!! :)

Swimming with Poppa

This is the first time Emberli has ever been in a real pool. She absolutely loved it. Ok, but I know some of you have probably noticed, they are in the same swim suit. Most of you know...I am so not into letting them wear the same thing. However, when we went shopping for Emberli a swimsuit, I was having a very hard time finding one that would fit her...most come in 12 months. So, we made a trip to Babies R Us and found her one...however Belle saw it and liked it too, b/c her favorite colors are blue and green she said she needed it too. I thought to myself, ok, I will find the baby another one...NOT! No more cute, non cheesy swimsuits in her size. Isabella is at an age now to where she remembers everything, if you put it in the cart, she will make sure it is there at the checkout. So, this swimsuit is only allowed to be worn at Grammy's house....therefore they will never be in public matching. No offense to anyone, but I just can't take much matching clothes. There are times, I make exceptions, obviously! :)

Pretend Play

There is a story behind these pics. I am sitting on the couch one day and Isabella walks out half dressed in a swim suit. As I thought she was playing in her room, instead she was undressing herself and trying her hardest to put her swimsuit on all by herself. So, when she comes to me and asks for help, I said what are you doing...and her response of course was "going swimming." As the curious mom I am, I went along with it. She walks by the front door where she has dumped all these toys and turned over the ab roller and told me it was her "pool." So then she asks if Emberli wanted to go swimming with her. So, we got her dressed and let her "swim" too. Isabella's has a huge imagination now...everyday is a new adventure...but a fun one!

Mirror Image

Emberli absolutely loves to look into mirrors. This toy did its job...she has motivation to keep her head up.

Day at the Park

We spent an afternoon at the park about a month or so ago and Belle just had a great time! She, of course, loves to swing, but now she will go down the "big slide" all by herself. She got so excited when she realized she could do it by herself.

Ready and Waiting

What can I say, Emberli is always ready before the rest of us for church. She loves to just hang out in her swing and wait. However, she is such a wiggle worm now, that she must be buckled into her swing so she won't squirm her way out!

Very common

When Robert feeds Emberli, this is how I often find them. Both exhausted from a long hard day!


Here's a pic we took of the girls awhile back. Isabella wanted Emberli to sit next to her and take a picture. She loves her sister.

Grammy's Girls

Grammy spending some time with her girls.