Saturday, June 27, 2009

Beach Ballet Camp

Isabella went to Beach Ballet Camp last week and she really enjoyed it. I was very hesitant to take her, because this is the first time I have taken her to the gym and left her there for hours by herself. But, I thought it was a good test for her and I both, just to make sure we could both do it in the fall once pre-k started. She did great...and I guess I did ok too. Just can't believe she is growing up so fast!
Anyways, Traci came and took pics of the girls one day at camp, but she had left her backdrop up. The last day of camp I needed to take a group shot of the girls and it was performance day for the parents so I had my camera. I stayed the whole 3 hours that day at camp which turned out to be a good thing, because while they were playing in the gym she fell off the bars and put her hands behind her to catch herself and thought she hurt her arm again...she was nursing it. But, she didn't and once she saw mommy everything was ok. But she did not want to go play anymore so I suggested we go take pictures and she was all for it. So, we did...she posed and did whatever she wanted to...anything to make her happy. It got her back in a good mood and gave me some cute shots to play with in photoshop!

They learned the you see Isabella didn't quite limbo right, but she got under the rope!

Then they showed us their across the floor work. They do kick walks and split leaps. She practices these all the time at the house.

Then they performed their dances they learned. The first dance was to music from the "Lilo and Stitch" movie. It was very cute. Isabella forgot to watch the teacher most of the time and instead was making sure she was looking at her audience. It was very cute.

Then they did a dance with their beach towels to "Yellow Polka Dot Bikini". It was very cute. Isabella definetly knew how to shake it with the towel, she kept us all laughing. I hope to figure out how to get the video off the camera and on the computer so we can upload it, but don't hold your breath. We are not very smart when it comes to stuff like that.

Family Fun Night

Emberli and Papa

Belle getting ready to play the water balloon toss. I am not quite sure her and her friend understood the rules.

And then of course we had to stop by Aunt T's table and toss the rings. I think they were supposed to be cleaning up the games, but you know Belle gets whatever she wants when Aunt T is around. Those two will always have such a special bond. That is such a blessing.
We had fun at family fun night at church. It is more fun to me each year to watch what the girls can do. They get to enjoy it now instead of sitting in a stroller and watching everything.


Isabella is going through a phase where she likes to pick her clothes. As most of you know...I always have her dressed just so when we leave the house. Well, this isn't meshing so well since she wants to pick her clothes. So, I let her pick them at home and then when we go out of the house, we compromise...and decide together. Well, this is how she came out dressed one night. Loving the socks! But then she saw music on tv and started prancing around and dancing to it was very cute! She is such the little entertainer. Lately, I will come home and she will sing me one of "her" songs. These are songs she has totally made up herself and plays on her Hannah Montana guitar. It is very cute. We are going to have to get a video of it sometime!

The Girls

Daddy and his girls!

I just love this picture of Belle and Emberli.....Isabella is so interested in getting a hug from her sister, and Emberli is having none of it. It just cracks me up...because this is how it is most of the time.

Emberli was trying to get the camera...again.

Our sweet girls! They are so much fun and I have a blast taking pictures of them. Emberli is still a handful to try to get a picture of and Belle doesn't always cooperate because she wants to do her own thing. I have learned about negotiation with a 3 year old.


Here is a picture of the girls in the bluebonnets. We didn't have a very successful day when we took pictures that day. Isabella had decided that week she didn't want bangs anymore. As most of you know...I don't cope that well when it comes to Isabella's hair and her choosing her own style. I am trying to get better, because she is getting older and needs to learn decision making skills. However, I figured she would eventually get tired of the bangs not staying in the clip...and she did. This day was very windy and her hair is just so soft it just doesn't stay in clips well (that is why it is always up). We went home and she told me I could cut her bangs....YEA! But, we never had another chance to go back and try pictures again. Oh well, there is always next year.
However, I normally edit the pictures myself and go about my business, but I am always curious what other people might like, so I let Robert help me edit this one. We liked this affect because it really made the bluebonnets pop. And it gave the picture a different feel all together.

Gym Friends

This is Belle and her friends on the last day of gymnastics. She still goes to gymnastics, but during the summer we start a new schedule and all the kids move around to different classes. So, we thought this would be the last time she had her friends in her class. They had a good time together and it was a great bunch of kids. Isabella has really improved at her gymnastics. She can do a near perfect cartwheel, we are now working on a one-handed cartwheel and a round-off. She loves practicing backhandspings....already. And she can do her splits and her backbend by herself. She is trying to teach herself to do a standing backbend, too. Needless to say, she is becoming a little less fearful least when it comes to gymnastics.


The pictures with the black background are from the day I got the backdrop in the mail. It was very exciting and Belle was ready to have a photo session like she does with Kellie or when we use Traci's studio. She has so much fun at those places and talks about them all the time. So, now I just need the lights. But, I let her pick her outfits and her poses, she was in charge.
The outdoor pictures are from a day we got home from dance class early. She wanted to take pictures in her dance clothes, so I took her to the pasture behind the house and we played, and climbed trees. We had fun. I have been playing with my photoshop program to see what all it does. So, if you see some crazy editing, that is just me playing again.