Saturday, June 27, 2009

Beach Ballet Camp

Isabella went to Beach Ballet Camp last week and she really enjoyed it. I was very hesitant to take her, because this is the first time I have taken her to the gym and left her there for hours by herself. But, I thought it was a good test for her and I both, just to make sure we could both do it in the fall once pre-k started. She did great...and I guess I did ok too. Just can't believe she is growing up so fast!
Anyways, Traci came and took pics of the girls one day at camp, but she had left her backdrop up. The last day of camp I needed to take a group shot of the girls and it was performance day for the parents so I had my camera. I stayed the whole 3 hours that day at camp which turned out to be a good thing, because while they were playing in the gym she fell off the bars and put her hands behind her to catch herself and thought she hurt her arm again...she was nursing it. But, she didn't and once she saw mommy everything was ok. But she did not want to go play anymore so I suggested we go take pictures and she was all for it. So, we did...she posed and did whatever she wanted to...anything to make her happy. It got her back in a good mood and gave me some cute shots to play with in photoshop!

They learned the you see Isabella didn't quite limbo right, but she got under the rope!

Then they showed us their across the floor work. They do kick walks and split leaps. She practices these all the time at the house.

Then they performed their dances they learned. The first dance was to music from the "Lilo and Stitch" movie. It was very cute. Isabella forgot to watch the teacher most of the time and instead was making sure she was looking at her audience. It was very cute.

Then they did a dance with their beach towels to "Yellow Polka Dot Bikini". It was very cute. Isabella definetly knew how to shake it with the towel, she kept us all laughing. I hope to figure out how to get the video off the camera and on the computer so we can upload it, but don't hold your breath. We are not very smart when it comes to stuff like that.

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