Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Well, we had this visitor show up this evening. I had just put Emberli to bed early (seeing as she had no nap...due to her doctor's appt), and Bella comes running up to me and says, "Momma, something is eating the cat food that isn't supposed to be." So, in my mind...I am thinking squirrel...something somewhat cute. Well, that was soooo far off. The closer I get, the larger I see the animal is. Then I realize it was a fox! Ok, not being a very outdoorsy person I totally freaked...and in the process I realized I was scaring Bella....oops! Had to do some damage control to fix that one. I told her to get down so the fox couldn't see us so I could grab my camera. I managed to get some shots of him, and then went outside in the garage and shot the others around the corner (while praying he wouldn't attack me)....haha.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Tea Party

Right after Bella's tball game we had to rush home to get her ready for the Teddy Bear Tea Party. Our local museum hosts this event every year and my grandmother had asked Belle if she would like to go. She said yes, of course. So, the kids get dressed up and bring their bears with them and they have a tea party. I believe they get to tour the museum as well. I am always skeptical of what she might like to do, but she seemed to have enjoyed herself. So, I am sure she will go again next year.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Game time!!!!

A few pictures before the game.
Bella and her friend from school happen to be on the same Tball team.

Bella sitting in the dugout....she soooo does NOT want to be there.

Belle batting

She got a hit.....now off to first base....(and yes...you are getting the play by play)

Bella on first base...

Bella is now in the outfield playing.

And yes, Emberli did come out to support her sister.

She needed a better vantage point, though...she wasn't quite satisfied with people walking in front of her...

Bella went back out and got on base again....and this time she made it all the way to home plate and scored!!!! We were so proud!

One of the varsity volleyball players has claimed Belle as her "sister", so she made her a sign for the big game.....it was sooo sweet and Bella loved it.

Well, as you see we had our first Tball game of the season. Bella loves to play...however, there is a catch......she HATES the uniform. She says it makes her look like a boy. The battle we had to get her dressed for this first game was craziness! If you ask her if she likes tball...she will ask you.."Do you mean practice or the game?"...and we will say "What is the difference?"....and her response...."Well actually, in practice you get to wear shorts, and in a game you have to wear the clothes that make you look like a boy." I believe we have a girlie girl on our hands.
I had to get Belle ready for the game because Robert wasn't home at the time, but when he got to the field he could tell that she wasn't happy so he asked her what was wrong and she replied (while pointing at her clothes).."This is so not cute!!" He totally blames me for teaching her that...but I told her she looked very cute in her uniform, just for the record....haha.
We will see how the season goes....someone suggested to me that I should bedazzle her pants and maybe that would help the situation....who knows.

Dance pics

Bella is in another dance recital in May. They wanted to do pictures way before hand this time, so this picture was taken on that day. We did the whole nine yards... a little makeup....curls in the hair....etc. By the time we got across town, all these curls you see...were gone! Unfortunately she got her momma's hair, which is very thick and heavy and doesn't hold curl that well. So, I had to talk to some pageant moms about her hair to make sure it stays for the recital when it comes around. I knew they would have pointers....and they did. So, we will have to try them out.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Easter at Grammy's house

Opening their Easter gifts from Grammy and Papa.....and they got Zhu Zhu pets.....Isabella has been wanting one of these forever.

Easter egg hunt time.....we are now loaded up on candy until the end of time....haha

I tried to get a picture of both girls with their baskets....this was as close as I got to Emberli looking up long enough for a picture....she was just interested in the candy.

We spent Easter lunch at my parent's house. The girls got their Zhu Zhu pets and dressed them up, we ate, and then the girls got to hunt their eggs. They had a blast and it was a successful, beautiful day.

Easter morning

These are two of the prettiest girls I have ever seen! Ok, so I might be a little biased....but, I think they are still pretty darn cute! They loved seeing their Easter baskets full on Easter morning.

Easter #1

The hunt is on....

Getting a little help from Grammy.

Showing off their goods.

And here starts Emberli and the chocolate.....

and more.....

The girls got to start out their Easter at my grandparent's house. They hunted eggs and got their stuffed bunnies. They always have a good time over there. I believe Emberli consumed at least 5 pieces of chocolate before we took it all away. She would finish one and already have another piece open.

Coloring Eggs, Round 2

Emberli loves getting to do things with the big girls now.

Can't you just see the excitement....haha

Emberli's first egg coloring experience.

Bella trying to wait patiently to start another egg.

Emberli posing with the big girls.

After the community Easter at the park, we came home and played and colored eggs. We have so many egg kits. The girls really have fun doing this.

Easter at the Park

Emberli getting ready to get in the car to go to the park.
Belle and her friend seeing the Easter bunny.
Papa trying to get Emberli to be nice to the Easter bunny. We all remember she doesn't like dressed up characters. (remember Christmas with Santa)

Bella getting her picture with the Easter bunny.

Papa teaching Emberli how to throw horseshoes.

Bella loves these slides now that she is older. I still remember the days of getting to the top and not wanting to come down.

Belle and her friends making cupcakes.

Showing off her creation.

Time for face painting. Her and her friend wanted to look the same.

I would say that was a success.

Emberli and the Easter basket.

Belle hunting for eggs.

Belle and her friends with all their candy and eggs.

Our town put on their second annual community Easter at the park. They had bounce houses, slides, cupcake decorating, games, pinatas, and so much more. This is such a good event and the girls look forward to it. We didn't let Emberli participate in the egg hunt again this year due to the mass amount of people that were there. We took one of Belle's friends with us and they had the egg hunt separated into age categories. So, it would have made it too hard to keep up with all three. But, they had a blast and Emberli didn't know any different.