Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Easter Party

We taught Belle how to play the egg race the "correct" way...just kidding.

Bella hunting for her eggs...they all had the kids name on the eggs. So they would each get the same amount.

Bella had her Easter party at school. They all had a blast. We took them to the park, so all they were interested in was playing on the playground and then hunting eggs. They all did so good. She is in such a good class this year and has a wonderful teacher. We couldn't have been more blessed with a better start to schooling than she has had! Our shy girl is coming out of her shell very quickly and getting lots of friends at school. She is such a smarty! They tested them already and she is the top person in her class for math. Apparently she knows the answers to things they haven't even taught them yet. We are both very, very proud of Bella!

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