Friday, January 7, 2011

Day off

I had a day off today, which was much needed. I know it seems crazy since I just went back from Christmas Break, but this was an exteremely looooonnnggg week. I really thought it would never end. There wasn't anything bad that happened, I was just soooo super busy all week. I am afraid it is only going to get busier from here on out. This is the last month of basketball and then straight into track season. I love track and can't wait to start. I love basketball, but there has been a lot more uneeded stress this year than last year. Well, onto the girls....they have been playing so good together all day. I walked in to take their picture and Bella told me to hang on. So, when she came out, this is what she was wearing. She told me I could now take her picture. What a goofball! :) These two are super silly, but so loveable!

Yesterday you see I didn't get a blog post yesterday. However, Robert did help me out and get a picture of the girls yesterday. I was gone literally all day yesterday due to an away basketball game. I never got to see Emberli yesterday, but I saw Bella for a few minutes before I left for school as she woke up right as I was getting ready to leave. Those are the hardest days, but to know these are the faces I get to come home to and to an amazing husband, make everything ok. (Even on the worst days) Thank you Robert for helping me out and remembering to take their picture.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Sweet Babies

These three just melt my heart! I love all of them so much! Emberli had a great day today...she was very loveable when I picked her up from church. It is so neat to see her everyday and see how much she is changing. Her vocabulary is improving and her sentences she creates. She is very funny. Bella wants to learn to read so bad. She is using her new TAG system often and loving it. We have worked on sounding out words and have also bought some beginner books.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 4

Ok, so this new project of mine is getting harder and harder, when you are as busy as I am. Tonight Emberli was a little tired by the time I got home. I saw her when it was her bedtime, soooo pictures were not on her priority list...haha. Bella wanted to show off the trampoline again (still in the box) :) We hope to get to work on that this weekend. We need some weather that will cooperate with us. I told Robert to forget the dirt drying out enough, just did a whole in the ground big enough for the trampoline and put it in the ground. He laughed....don't think he knew I was serious. You don't have to worry about them falling off if it is already on the ground level....I am just saying.. :)

Monday, January 3, 2011

January 3rd

Day 3 and still on a roll. It was my first day back at work from the Christmas break...and boy I sure missed these two precious faces! Bella also went back to school today...she had a great day and was super excited to go back. She was exhausted when she got home. She took a long nap and I woke her up when I got home around 6:00pm. I believe Emberli missed her sister today...they actually played pretty good when I got home and were being very sweet to each other. I think Emberli got used to having her sister around all day.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

January 2nd

Day 2 and still managed to get some pictures of the girls....the real trick is going to come when school starts and trying to remember to get pictures. I believe Robert might have to help me out with this project. Some days I don't even get to see the girls due to games or track meets, etc. Those are not my favorite days at all, but it comes with the job.
The girls decided to get themselves dressed today and then they played dress-up. Don't they look precious?! Emberli came in first and told me to get the camera and take her picture and then pulled the hat over her face and wouldn't let me get a good shot....but I will take what I can get. Then the "Princess" came in and showed me her ensemble. Gorgeous...don't ya think?!

January 1st

First off...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I hope and pray that everyone's year will be full of blessings! I pray you will live life to the fullest and enjoy every moment of 2011. If 2011 goes by as quickly as 2010, then we will blink and it will be over! of my goals for this year is what I call my 365 project. It is my goal to take a picture of both my girls each day this year...and then to actually post it to this blog. I have recently figured out that I can turn this blog into a book. So, how cool would it be to have a book with a picture in it everyday of the could truly see how much the girls change in just one year.
I know I like to start projects....but let's see if I can actually hold to this one.
Anyways, as you see the pictures for today...Bella stayed up all night and welcomed in the new year with us. She wanted to watch a movie and have hot chocolate...her new favorite thing to do. So, we did and she went to bed about 1:30am! Who knew she could last that long. She paid for it Jan 1st at dinner. She fell asleep at the table! She had no clue we even took pictures of her. Poor baby was tired! And Emberli just thought it was funny. Love these two girls!

First Haircut

We took Emberli to get her first haircut last week. I was super concerned that she was not going to sit still and she would end up driving the hair dresser nuts. But, suprisingly she did really good. She sat very still and was very good while getting her haircut. Bella and I also got haircuts. Bella's hair doesn't look much different besides being a few inches shorter. Her hair is so thick and grows super fast so I always cut off a couple of inches at a time. My hair is very short compared to what it was. It is definitely above my shoulders now. But, the upkeep is super easy. The girls have played beauty shop everyday since getting hair cuts. They pretend to cut each other's hair and fix it. They do their baby dolls hair as well. Let's just pray they never find the real scissors and cut it for real!


The Sunday after Christmas the girls wanted to wear their new vests and boots they got. So, we made some outfits and got ready for church. They wanted me to take a picture of how cute they looked in their new clothes. I think they lookes absolutely adorable!

Christmas #4

This was Christmas at my grandparent's house. It is a very convenient location now, as they are our neighbors. The girls had fun playing with their cousins. We ate an amazing lunch, spent time catching up with the family, and opening presents.

Christmas Morning

This trash pile is NUTS! When your kids can jump in the might be too big!

We had a wonderful Christmas morning at the house. I believe it was around 7ish when the girls woke us up. They were excited to open those presents they had been seeing under the tree for weeks. They did get a trampoline this the work begins on fixing the yard so we can put it up. They also got baby dolls, Barbies, Barbie furnishings, games, coloring books, toys, etc.

Christmas Eve

We have a tradition on Christmas Eve...after dinner and everyone is ready for bed...we get our PJ's on and pop some popcorn and make hot chocolate and watch The Polar Express. This is the first year that Emberli got to take part in this tradition. We always take a picture before the movie...but as you can see Emberli's shirt didn't even make it until start time. We took a picture under the tree went to the couch and she spilled her hot chocolate....that lil' girl is crazy! But, we all made it through the movie without falling asleep. It is always nice to snuggle with your kiddos on the couch and watch a movie.

Christmas at Grammy's

To get Emberli to sit still and take a normal picture is near impossible.

We always have a birthday party for Jesus at Grammy's house.

I have one daughter who will eat with her fingers.....and one who will eat properly with a fork.

The one who eats with the fork stays clean, and the other one practically needs a bath after eating food.

Robert reading his card and getting his present....Spurs vs Lakers tickets.

And the grand finale present for the girls.....two horse swings! They love these things!

We had a great Christmas at Grammy's house this year. The girls got spoiled as always. They got anything from clothes and jackets to beauty shop chairs for baby dolls, to new baby dolls. It is always nice to be with family and have a great time.