Friday, January 7, 2011

Day off

I had a day off today, which was much needed. I know it seems crazy since I just went back from Christmas Break, but this was an exteremely looooonnnggg week. I really thought it would never end. There wasn't anything bad that happened, I was just soooo super busy all week. I am afraid it is only going to get busier from here on out. This is the last month of basketball and then straight into track season. I love track and can't wait to start. I love basketball, but there has been a lot more uneeded stress this year than last year. Well, onto the girls....they have been playing so good together all day. I walked in to take their picture and Bella told me to hang on. So, when she came out, this is what she was wearing. She told me I could now take her picture. What a goofball! :) These two are super silly, but so loveable!

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