Sunday, January 2, 2011

January 1st

First off...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I hope and pray that everyone's year will be full of blessings! I pray you will live life to the fullest and enjoy every moment of 2011. If 2011 goes by as quickly as 2010, then we will blink and it will be over! of my goals for this year is what I call my 365 project. It is my goal to take a picture of both my girls each day this year...and then to actually post it to this blog. I have recently figured out that I can turn this blog into a book. So, how cool would it be to have a book with a picture in it everyday of the could truly see how much the girls change in just one year.
I know I like to start projects....but let's see if I can actually hold to this one.
Anyways, as you see the pictures for today...Bella stayed up all night and welcomed in the new year with us. She wanted to watch a movie and have hot chocolate...her new favorite thing to do. So, we did and she went to bed about 1:30am! Who knew she could last that long. She paid for it Jan 1st at dinner. She fell asleep at the table! She had no clue we even took pictures of her. Poor baby was tired! And Emberli just thought it was funny. Love these two girls!

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