Friday, July 17, 2009

Kid's Day Activities

Well, we took both girls to the kid's day activities. They had fun. We got there too late for Belle to run in the sack race...although she hopped once last year and was done. But, we made it in time for her to do the 3 legged race. She was actually getting her face painted when they called her heat. So, we hurried over there and one of her friends was waiting for her so they could race together. Belle had never seen or competed in a 3 legged race. I was worried that she wouldn't like being attached to someone else, but they did soooo good! We were so impressed. The girls were in first place for a little bit, then they stumbled (not falling), and so the other team passed them, then they stumbled not even a yard away from the finish line and it took a few more seconds to regroup, but they did and managed to get 3rd place. We were soooo proud of the girls. We thought that was pretty darn good for never doing it before! Isabella was very proud of her ribbon. She showed it off to everyone. We didn't stay for the corn shucking contest...Emberli was starting to get overheated, so we came home to get them cooled off. Used to we worried when Emberli would turn blue...but we have noticed now she does it when she is cold, and then when she is truly sick with an infection of some kind... crazy, I know. But, now she turns red the second she gets the least bit hot. It starts on her legs, then her cheeks, then her arms. We noticed how bad it was at Gospel Night, we honestly thought she was sunburned, that is how red she was, then we realized that was her getting hot. It never really affects her any other way...she will still play and run around and be happy, but she is just red. So, I don't think it is anything to be overly concerned about at this point, but I will still bring it up at her 18 month checkup.

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