Saturday, July 18, 2009

War against thumbsucking

We have declared war against the thumbsucking! It was cute and very easy to parent a child who could self soothe herself. However, now that she is getting older we are determined to break the habit. We have tried a lot of different techniques. We have tried bribery, sticker charts for not sucking her thumb, etc. We tried putting bandaids on for awhile and then she started sucking the bandaids. So, out of fear of her choking on one in the middle of the night we stopped that. We now wrap her thumbs with gauze and tape every night and at nap time. But, we have another effort on it way. The dentist told us to order STOP from Amazon, it is for nail biting and thumbsucking. It paints on so we don't have to worry about her rubbing her eyes and making her eyes burn, etc. So, I can't wait to try it, it supposedly is very successful according to her dentist. I sure hope so! My goal is to get her to stop before pre-k starts in the fall.

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